Tubular Pasteurizer
First of all, the concentrated product/products of the OSMANLI ® Tubeintube Pstorization systems are controlled by our automation systems before filling, heat treated and filled at the desired pasteurization degree. The system designed as a group includes the following features.
PRODUCT TANK: A top mixer, inlet-outlet valves, CIP balls level controls are coupled to the stainless steel tank pasteur tank designed for the product coming from the concentrate unit, which is produced in various sizes in accordance with the capacity. It is connected to the pump placed under/next to the tank.
PUMP : Monopump or piston pump can be used according to capacity and/or product type.
PASTEURIZATOR: It consists entirely of stainless steel intertwined pipes. (such as hot water jackets, product passage pipes, return and holding)
CONTROL PANEL: All this group is controlled and controlled via PLC in a main control panel.
Optional Features
RECORDING DEVICE: A recording device/USB memory can be coupled in line with the customer's request regarding the heat treated product.